Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Movement or Meditation

Last night on the news there was a segment on meditation and how beneficial it can be to our lives. Many talked about healing and being able to cope with life circumstances because of meditation. So I asked myself, what is the difference between meditation and prayer? Would I feel a closer presence with meditation as opposed to my movement prayers? Was I missing something in my devotional time? So I decided to try it this morning before dancing my prayers. I sat quietly for 15 minutes, no music, just sat and listened to my breath. My conclusion, for me meditation is another posture of prayer. It was a relaxing, quiet time for me to just listen for God's still voice. I enjoyed much more my dance prayer that followed. I enjoy feeling the Holy Spirit enter my body as I dance before Him. What a joy to be able to offer my body in worship in the morning. This morning I danced to HERE I AM TO WORSHIP. I trust God was pleased. I feel equipped for the day. I have a smile on my face and in my heart. I will continue to try meditation but I must say I so much more enjoy dancing my prayers. Maybe tomorrow I'll try the reverse, dancing then meditating on God's word. I know when I start my day with praise and worship, God inhabits my praise and orders my steps. Have a great day - I dance because...

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