DANCING MY PRAYERS with PraiseMoves! Its the perfect fit. Over a month ago I became a (CPI) certified PraiseMoves Instructor. PraiseMoves is the Christian Alternative to Yoga. I'll admit when I first started looking into getting certified I wasn't sure if this program was going to give me the results I used to get with yoga. Although I loved the yoga class I used to take, when we got to the chanting part I felt very uncomfortable. I used to say the Lords prayer or 23rd Psalm to myself but still something just didn't feel right. I began researching Christian yoga but still wasn't sold until I saw a post on Facebook one day about PraiseMoves. My life has been forever changed. I ordered the DVDs and began working out.
Dancing My Prayers with PraiseMoves has taken my morning devotional time to a whole new level. Not only are the postures physically challenging but the scripture references help me to memorize scripture and do bible study. My devotion time with God is even more intimate now. I've incorporated PraiseMoves into my daily prayers as a way to stay fit physically and spiritually. I now teach a class at my church and am loving every minute of it. It is amazing how I can read scripture over and over again to try and memorize it but as soon as I do it I remember. I will always glorify God in my body! I Corinthians 6:20
Hey Susan!
I agree 100 percent with your PraiseMoves post! It is a wonderful way to worship God in body & spirit and transform our workout into worship!
He is Worthy to be praised & adored.
Praise moves God deeply, so let's keep Praisin' Him as Laurette says!
MaryAnn from Pittsburgh, PA
I truly enjoy PraiseMoves and wish I was in New Jersey and not Boston this season so I could be under your instruction!! I know you're leading His sheep on a peaceful path. I will continue my private PriaseMoves (in conjuction with Dancing My Prayers). Pray your class continues to flourish. - Arielle
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