I've been stressing lately on why I've been unable to dance. I suffered a painful rotator cuff injury in November and 5 months later, I'm still in pain. I've had pity parties with myself and complained until no one will even listen anymore. So now I'm gonna just pour my heart into what I know I was called to do (Thank you Rev. CAM). Ted Shawn wrote "...I believe that dance is the most perfect symbol of the activity of God and His angels. I believe dance has the power to heal, mentally and physically..." Ted Shawn is partially correct. When our dance is focused on releasing our negative feelings and invoking the presence of God - then yes, God will heal us through our dance. I think for too long I've made DANCE my GOD. I've been dancing for God for a long time but when life situations halted my dance, I just sat down without a fight. I complained about how bad my arm hurts and how I felt like a fish out of water because I can't dance full out. So now what do I do? I dance! I dance because it is my life line to God. I dance my prayers. I dance because it is what God has told me to do. I dance through my strengthening exercises for my shoulder. I dance and allow God to use me to help others. I write about dance and then I dance some more. I seek God and wait for Him to answer. Most of all, I pray, God will restore me to full health. idancebecause...
This is great. I'm not even a dancer (a trained one anyway), but I just love the message of what you are saying here. However, I do know of a few dancers that I am going to forward your blog to. Also, I don't know if you are familiar with the dancer, Janet Collins, but I am doing a documentary about her. Please visit the site www.todancefilm.com. Thank you & God Bless!
Thanks Marcia. I pray God continues to use me to inspire other dancers and lovers of dance. I took a look at your site and am looking forward to the documentary. I will make sure all the dance teachers I know encourage their students to watch the documentary. I have heard of Janet Collins but only from other African American dancers. My dance history class in college did not include her. Thanks for keeping her memory alive.
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