Friday, June 13, 2008

The Dr. E. Alma Flagg dance ensemble wants to know:

  1. At what age did you start dancing?
  2. What is your favorite style of dance?
  3. Who is your favorite dancer?


dancingangel said...

I started ballet at the age of 6 and I hated it. I just wanted to have fun in dance class. I begged my mom to let me take tap. After 2 years she let me take tap and thats when my love affair with dance began. I am no so much in love with dance as I am with the force behind my dance - God. Liturgical dance has changed my life. Dancing for God has allowed me to feel a sense of power and freedom that is indescribable. I'm finally at home with me - the person God intended me to be.

Anonymous said...

I started dancing when I was around 4. I was taking ballet and tap combination classes. Then I started taking more classes including jazz and modern. I stayed at that company till I was about 10. I continued dancing at church where I discovered my favorite type of dance is LITURGICAL. I also fell in love with Lyrical dance. I started taking classes again for another year or 2. My favorite dance teacher in the world is SUSAN ROBIN POPE!! :)