As I reflect on this past year, I have much to be thankful for. Just this season I celebrate my son's milestone birthday; 33 friends and family all gathered for Thanksgiving bringing my dad to tears; I'm publishing my 2nd book DANCING MY PRAYERS and I'm still here, using my gift of dance. Last year this time I could not lift my right arm due to a rotator cuff injury. As I sulked and moaned about not being able to dance full out I was reminded that God uses even the least of us. As I tried to dance my prayers in the morning, I was frustrated when I couldn't even raise my arms to praise Him. Lying prostrate was so painful I could not bear it. My students suffered as I could not demonstrate simple por de bras. I spent much time getting medical attention when what I needed most was rest. A year later I can now lift my arms again. It is still uncomfortable but I'm thankful I can once again use my limbs. This past year has made me truly appreciate the gift of dance. Its amazing how you can appreciate something so much more when you don't have it. We all have the ability to dance and we should use it everyday. Whether is exercise, cha cha slide, salsa or African dance - this year give yourself the gift of dance. Use your gift to celebrate you, this season and the fact that we are all still here. I dance because....